One of the world's largest container ships named 'Turkey'
One of the 12 container ships built in China, which is stated to be one of the largest in the world, was named 'Turkey' on the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey.

One of the 12 ships built by the container company MSC in China, which is the world's largest container ship with a carrying capacity of 24,346 containers, was named 'MSC Turkey'.

MSC Turkey, which is 80 metres high from the keel and 399.9 metres long, will make its first stop in Turkey in Tekirdağ. MSC Turkey will arrive at Tekirdağ Asyaport Port on 30 October, its first stop in Turkey.

With the launch of the ships built by the company in China, the Aponte family organised a meeting to name the ships and Ela Soyuer, daughter of Asyaport Port Chairman Ahmet Soyuer and daughter-in-law of the Aponte family, proposed the name 'Turkey' for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey.
